Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transpersonal Love


Our Sign To Live By

Onward To Transpersonal Love

Sep 5, 2011

Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online, interspiritual ministry of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Lotus of the Heart. This site is here to lead you into a heart experience of Divine Presence. We recognize that of the Sacred in each one and celebrate the diversity of expressions of Oneness in Grace. We are for peace and nonviolence, and equal rights and justice. May persons of varied wisdom paths find inspiration here. Welcome!

Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, MDiv, MFT, PhD...

Vowed Contemplative, Greenbough House of Prayer
Interspiritual Teacher, Author, Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor-Healer

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We can't solve problems
by using the same kind of thinking
we used when we created them.

*Albert Einstein

Nature . Tree . Landscape (Conte - L'Arbre et le Soleil)

*Nature . Tree . Landscape (Conte - L'Arbre et le Soleil)

Tiquetonne2067, Flickr

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There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.

*Albert Einstein

Nature . Solitude (La Tentation du Pire)

*Nature . Solitude (La Tentation du Pire)

Tiquetonne2067, Flickr

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up.

*Pearl Buck

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Flower photo

*Doug88888, Flickr



The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM


©Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, and Lotus of the Heart, 9.05.11. To contact Arem, you can request to be his friend at Facebook, or contact him at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transpersonal Love

©Brian Wilcox 2024